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Monday, February 6, 2012

Business Astrology: Inner Guidance is Business-Mission Urgent

By Cassandra Evans

The Jupiter Midas Effect (JME) is a never-before-seen astrological paradigm that accurately tracks and sounds correct of the profound changes currently in progress in money making and business, right down to game-changing emergent trends and their drivers.

In effect until June 2012 and profoundly affecting the following 7 years "The JME outlines a radical transformation in the way business is done and success achieved.

In this interview excerpt, Master Prosperity Coach Eva Gregory and Jupiter Midas Effect 2 host Lissa Boles discuss how hearing and following your own internal steering is mission-critical to New Businesss success.

Lissa Boles: You simply declared something incredibly powerful, especially given that your speciality is L. O. A work. Because many of us believe that in order to work effectively with the LOA, you need to be positively clear and categorical. And the truth is, there are periods where you simply don't know...

Eva Gregory: No, you don't have to particularly know. If you know and you can get specific, that's great. But if you do not, and this is something that I teach, get to the essential nature of what you need. "I know I want to I feel good, I'd like to feel safe, I would like to feel safe, I'd like to feel â€"" all of those things you can ask for because, your needs are out there. The universe has got your list and there are a few things that may show up simply because you are clear on what you need to feel, not what you want to do.

I had this conversation with another client of mine earlier and they were feeling stressed out because they were being taught, had been taught, you have to know where you're going to be in 20 years and you have to have it all detailed. And I said, "Look. Back in the time when at school we were asked, "Where are you wanting to be? You need to be clear, you have to have your targets, you need to set it up."

" don't and thank heavens because what percentage of us actually don't know a lot of times, and especially as you are talking about when we go into transitions like these. You have to bring it back to, "I know I just wish to feel nice and I would like to feel secure and I'd like to safe and I'd like to feel really good and I would like to achieve success" and generalize. I strongly recommend, when you do not know, that is all you need to know.

Lissa Boles: So I remember hearing you say it was confusing initially because as a LOA coach, you were accustomed to being in a position to say and interact with the universe and the law, in a way that results were fairly you know count on-able.

Eva Gregory: Yes.

Lissa Boles: And all of a sudden, they stopped to being count on-able.

Eva Gregory: Yes, dazzling. It's totally â€" exactly what occurred. Here I eventually asserted, "Okay, I'm going to step back and I'm going to talk my truth of what's taking place with me." And at the same time, this business that I had been running up till the point of opening my gigantic mouth, all of a sudden, it was not â€" it's started to get wobbly..."Wait a minute. I'm doing the same stuff and yet the clients aren't coming in."

You know I might do my strategy sessions and that was truly great, that will be a match, we would come in together, we'd begin working together and then all of a sudden system session after strategy session after technique session would just â€" it was not that fit or the choice was a no. And making my programs, the programs weren't feeling the same way we probably did before and I'm sitting back going, "Wait a minute. What the hell is going on?"

I was scared. And what I did was I had one foot in the new camp, which was just new. It isn't like I had made a following in that way or in that space. I am going to stab this â€"

Lissa Boles: Or that you knew were where it would most likely take you or what it was.

Eva Gregory: Yes. I wasn't clear. I was not even clear what it was. And my bread and butter was liquefying.

Lissa Boles: That's a good way of putting it.

Eva Gregory: Then what did I do? I worked harder over here because I could not afford to let that go while this was just sort of hanging in in soup. And naturally, the more I did and the scareder I was, the worse it became. I could not understand why as I think I had explained to you. It felt like I had a foot on the shore and a foot in the boat and the ship was taking off. And that's not a comfy feeling, let me tell you.

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